
Daffodils in Green Vase I, 12" x 12," oil on canvas.  (c) 2023.  All rights reserved to the artist.

Daffodils in a Green Vase II, 14" x 14," oil on canvas.  (c) 2023.  All rights reserved.  *Sold.

The Fly, 24" x 18," oil on canvas.  (c) All rights reserved 2022.

Petunias & Cherries, 14" x 14," oil on canvas.  (c) 2021.

3 Cacti, 16" x 16," acrylic on canvas. (c) 2016.

3 Tulips in a Blue Vase, 14" x 11," acrylic on canvas.  All rights reserved to the artist. 

Cacti with Shadow, 2014, 10" x 14," watercolor on paper.  (c) 2021.

Dancing Tarantula with Hyacinths, 2014, 16" x 12," watercolor on paper.   (c) 2015.